Our Work
Reform animal protection to reduce exploitation, using the law.
A world where animal rights and animal law shape global policy and justice.
We carry out in-depth research on existing regulations regarding the protection of farm animals to develop targeted actions and strategies to close regulatory gaps, improve enforcement, and correct non-compliant practices in the farming industry.
Our work focuses on selected countries in Latin America, Africa and South and Southeast Asia.
The animals that are our focus
(Land) Farm Animals
All terrestrial farm animals, such as chickens, hens, cows, pigs, sheep, among others.
Animals in Aquaculture
All aquatic animals in aquatic farming systems (aquaculture), specifically fish.
Our Programmes
Public opinion backs us up!
In 2023, Fundación Veg together with Ipsos Chile carried out a study entitled “Public Opinion Study: Treatment of animals in Chile”, with the aim of finding out the opinion of Chileans regarding the situation of animals for consumption in Chile.
You can read the full report here.
Among the questions, we highlight the following: